
just a girl

just a girl


one day she realized she had healed she was no longer heart broken not because someone else fixed it the memory of him had faded his arms spooned arounds her had faded she now fell asleep to the greatness of…

just a girl

It’s often the simple things that we enjoy the most. Quiet conversation on park bench under the stars That movie set moment while walking down a street in Spain reliving it in your neighbourhood Walking and holding hands Ice cream…

just a girl

Summer Nights

What are summer nights But wanting to stay outdoors into the wee hours of the night Enjoying conversation and the silent sway of luscious tree branches and a faint background rustle of the leaves Walking barefoot along the canal, sandals…

just a girl

icy mornings and summer walks

still wrapped in the early morning’s deep slumber she walked into the somber space, the scent of fresh coffee circulating around her the familiar exchange of smiles against the peaceful early morning ambiance that comforting sense of his arm around…

just a girl

I know you think you’re lost but you were never lost when you knew how to open my heart better then I could when I stood before you not even knowing how closed I was how did you know how…

just a girl


walking home in the cold pondering wasted beauty silk skin raising towards your hands years spent to get here not a sincere soul to deeply soak it in pointless beauty pointless beauty inside, outside thrown away body walks as if…

just a girl

like a cactus in the desert

When every cell of my body wants to be done with it I miss you a word, a feeling, that experience and use sparingly but about you, it’s clear A feeling slowly emerges  and I soon recognize it Like a…

just a girl

walking away

some goodbye’s are choices made without thinking too much too much thought would make them impossible to make and so she chose to let him fly back this man from a sunny sunday afternoon at the market without ever letting…

just a girl

lovely knows

the man who named her lovely still, she is to him and immediately she remembered how she enjoyed talking to him it was a fit that did not fit but still, she is lovely to him with him, she feels…
