


More on trust…

Trust tends to so commonly be associated with honesty, fidelty, loyalty.  The lack of trust, by default thereby relating itself to dishonesty, lies, disloyalty, infidelity. But really, when you stop and think about it, trust is feeling, some sort of…


my own meditation

“Why do you come to sit in meditation? Why don’t you make writing your practice? If you go deep enough in your writing, it will take you everyplace.” (From Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones)

building bridges, expansion

Expansive Intentions

Love does not obey our expectations; it obeys our intentions.” -Lloyd Strom I have a firm belief that we can change the way we relate to someone if we truly commit to doing so.  I’ve been able to demonstrate this…


On Trust

I had this conversation, again, just last week with a good friend.  We were talking about being able to trust others after experiencing a breach in trust. Then I had it again with a friend who’s looking for a new…


2011!!!! Ohhh yeeahhhhhh!!!!

THE POWER OF EMOTION AS LEVERAGE Just a quick note because I know that so many of you today will be setting your targets for 2011, if you haven’t done so already.  Remember that everything you want to have, to…

expansion, grief to relief

Befriending the Void

the universe abhors a vacuum. I cannot tell you how many times my best friend repeated this to me over the course of friendship.  Teaching me the value of the void as an interim, a space to be filled in…


The Observer Effect

So a few of us had a discussion today about some innovative ADHD treatment techniques derived from the Barkley Method. The following technique was suggested by a psychologist to a woman with a highly intelligent child tagged as having ADHD:…


Seth’s Wisdom on Inspiration

One of my favorite Seth posts – try it for a month… try it on anything in your life.   30 days of looking for solutions instead of problems… hmmm… see what happens. I can tell you this will be my…


The Human Body

I work out almost every day. Pretty much.  I take Sundays off and will allow my body rest days when I feel it is asking or when the weather is too bad to be outside.  It’s not to show off….
