I was asked, by the amazing VOYCE* to write a piece for something he’s been working on, something that would speak to the word worthless as it relates to relationships…


the way you touch me

even though it intoxicates me

I know, when we’re done,

will rip  a hole into my spirit

leaving me feeling worthless


what happened to the hands who roamed my body

with care at their fingertips

trying to edge into the openings my clothes left towards my bare skin


the way you grope me with your eyes

I can feel you

but there’s no depth to your stare

your desire disintegrates when you’re gone

your attention is short lived, your withdrawal makes me sick to my stomach and weak on my limbs

You make me feel worthless


I crave the care of your fingertips

running along my naked, relieved body, cold now

I crave your warmth rapped around me and your soul whispered into packets of presence

dropped into my ears to fill my soul

Your silence leaves me, feeling worthless

it’s rampant


What happened to the man across from me at breakfast

who understood the sins of my father without my having to name them


My fear of your darkness was true

You roamed my space, only to reel me in and leave me feeling



-Kim Mecca

(more updates to come as this piece may be featured on an upcoming musical release)


Photo credit Bikaze