her body laid before him
like an angel, slain and split open
like a sacrificial offering
with each slow strum of his fingers
a chord resonates through her body
the curves of her silhouette reflected in the luster of his guitar
each curve leading to the next
and from one chord to another
she is reunited with her beloveds
the music running over her smooth skin
as warm water from a brook gently rolls over
the bedrock
smoothing its curves more and more
with each of its passings
she lays there
allowing herself to be softened
by the touch of his music
being pulled into him being pulled into her
his music to her body
her body to his fingers
through the tune of his chords
curves being reflected in the shining blackness of his case
like lights shimmering on lake at midnight
one cannot tell where one ends and one begins
yet they are separate
in their perfect unity