The most brilliant piece of work I have seen in a long time!
Another one my top 3 integrations this year has been the insight that in order to have quality relationships that scope depth and meaning, we must be willing to be vulnerable. The quality of our relationships is directly portioned to our ability to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The art of being vulnerable is a prerequisite to any return on your investment in your relating. It is also, very simply, the art of your relating. Vulnerability IS authenticity. This year I understood the depth and breadth of the power this ability brings, of why my relationships have tended to be as painful as they are fulfilling but always truly magical. Because of my willingness to be vulnerable. Like Brown sais, the degree to which we can experience joy is the degree to which we can experience pain, or vulnerability.
A note on Brown’s closing statement: When I did my first UPW I was paired up with with a woman in her 70’s to do an exercise on our 3 biggest fears. The one right at the top of her list was low and behold “that I am not enough”. I stood there internally open mouthed and baffled. I understood very early on that from birth to death, from start to finish. We all face the same fears but just wear them in different colors. I’ve come across so many characters since that day when that beautiful 70 year old woman bared her soul, and her courage has allowed me to see them all just the way they really are: Human, just like me.
SuzyQ, Q♥