Magic Moments
I spent yesterday afternoon in a hospital room, sitting in a chair beside my grandfather. As he slept I read a book touching on Grace sent to my good friend Ronald Arceo. There was a an elder woman sleeping in…
I spent yesterday afternoon in a hospital room, sitting in a chair beside my grandfather. As he slept I read a book touching on Grace sent to my good friend Ronald Arceo. There was a an elder woman sleeping in…
Over an amazing dinner at a quaint resto in the Tremblant village, 4 ladies intensely discussed the subject of relationships. The platform for the launch of our discussion stemmed from a recent short lived, but particular romance I had with…
were it not for you, I would not know the joy of being who I am I would not know the immense power within me I would not have experienced the palpable sensation of it were it nor for you…
Accountability: Actions toward or involving others that reflect the integrity of the person you want to be. I like this definition, saw it on poster I came across somewhere, it stuck. When someone explicitly signals you that they are trouble…
Whoever has taught a man that he can |make| a woman happy in everything she does and lives has set him up for failure. Teach him instead to be present by her side in all of her states of mind…
I ride the subway in the office on rainy summer days with much agony. I am one of those crazy people that would rather start off my day sweating my way up and over the mountain with my bike, and then end it off in the…
– When we hung up I still felt like she wasn’t doing well, it was about 1am, I was already half asleep, in pj’s but I said fuck it. Got up and drove to be with her… she was practically…
I actually wasn’t going to post this just yet, but opportunity knocked so I’m putting it out there, pre-maturely unedited and all. There’s plenty of time to expand on this in the future as I don’t think it’s an issue that will…
some goodbye’s are choices made without thinking too much too much thought would make them impossible to make and so she chose to let him fly back this man from a sunny sunday afternoon at the market without ever letting…