
just a girl

just a girl

childhood memories

Morning dewdrops on the grass remind me of being a child the made the lawn look white picket fence perfect the cool wetness on my feet I don’t remember why I would visit the dewdrops in the morning but they…

just a girl

morning shelter

She woke, to find herself, watched over by his heart, wrapped in his arms Stretching and purring like a cat against his chest, only to press herself in more Full. She settled into his open embrace a place, intended by…

expansion, just a girl

The Joy of Freedom

There’s a lot of talk that goes on about “not changing who you are” to be in a relationship.  About staying true to yourself, your loves, your dreams, about being supported in them as a requirement for a relationship.  But…

just a girl, uncut


this is how she feels when she thinks of him wrap her arms around him happy to be warm near him and take him in he stays close to curl into him during the night warm, safe, solid present loving…

just a girl

On Being Open

I am almost painfully aware of how open I am compared to some of the people I come into contact with on a daily basis. I find myself continuously amazed at the taboo-ness of it.  Consistently asking myself, why are…

building bridges, just a girl

So you want in?

The Secret to a Woman’s Heart… This one’s been on my mind all week and I want to get it down on paper before I leave for paradise on Sunday… still, it’s a draft. Gents it’s very very very simple…

building bridges, just a girl

Everyday Heroes

It’s been quite the run. I am right now in the middle of the most amazing growth  opportunity I may ever have to face. And let me tell you, I’m getting taller every day and my heart is getting bigger…

just a girl, uncut


a woman who smiles at life who loves all but a few have her heart forever those few are sacred to her and will always be carried with her one who is open but few have seen a glimpse of…
