


Haters Gonna Hate

  Ashton Kutcher recently gave an inspiring talk that relates to the release of the Jobs movie. I believe it to be commendable that people in Hollywood use their influence to inspire people who are watching, especially youngsters. Moreover, Kutcher…


It’s almost never about you

It’s almost never about you. The story was there way before you came along. The person who belittles your art, stomps on your dreams, shuns you for shining – they’re ashamed of where they are. The person you abandoned –…


Sowing seeds

I read somewhere that Trayvon Martin’s father tweeted this MLK quote after the Zimmerman judgement was released. I literally remember being in elementary school and central themes of my writing were often focused on racial issues and how ridiculous they…


Pacing Ourselves to Ensure Success

It’s no secret that  pacing is essentially to influencing. If you do the right thing, at the wrong time you will get an undesired result.  Pacing isn’t just about timing, it’s about meeting someone where they are so that you…


breathing life

  I am not the stories I’ve told those are yours I simply breathed life into them for you to share them with the world let them be blown away, gently from the breath of source I am the observer…


Learning to fly

So long as you’re measuring your progress by what you’ve achieved instead of how you feel, you’re setting up yourself for a never ending battle.  What you accomplish lies outside of you whereas how you feel is  not only immediately…


The race to finish vs progress

In the almost two years it took me to write The Joy of Cancer I was excited for the high I would get when I was finally finished.  The closer I got to the finish line, the more eager I…


The seeds of your empire

As you get older, particularly if you have children, leaving behind a legacy becomes of higher priority. For some people it’s life insurance, a family business, an entrepreneurial empire, real estate, a published book, a gold medal, saving the world…


“Shoulding” all over others

One of my pet peeves is people who “should” all over others.  You know the expression, “Don’t should all over yourself?”  Well people tend to “should” on others as well.  And it peeves me off.  It’s meant with good intentions…
