


Liz Gilbert on Creativity

I remember being 16 years old, with a freshly broken heart, writing a poem on a scrap piece of tracing paper and sketching pencil perched against the subway window in commute rush hour.  I must have looked insane but I…


Lost – David Waggoner

Lost By David Waggoner From Collected Poems 1956-1976 Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here, And you must treat it as a powerful stranger, Must ask permission to know it…


A shortcoming,… really?!?!?!

We were coming back down the mountain from our lunchtime run on a warm sunny Monday. Two women were walking in front of us.  “I wish I could wear short shorts like that”, I said to my running buddy as…

building bridges


Accountability: Actions toward or involving others that reflect the integrity of the person you want to be. I like this definition, saw it on poster I came across somewhere, it stuck. When someone explicitly signals you that they are trouble…


A way to live (while you’re still alive)

Life is but a mere string of moments, yours to seize. You are here today. The good, the bad, the ugly. The beautiful. The love. Say yes! When you are angry, say yes! Because that anger wants to propel you somewhere forward, EMBRACE IT!  When you…

grief to relief, uncut

The love of a woman…

There is no love that nurtures like the love of a caring woman wether she is loving her man, her children, her family, or strangers.   My grandfather lost his wife after 62 years of marriage, October a year and…

the ♥ files

People Watching for the Soul

I ride the subway in the office on rainy summer days with much agony. I am one of those crazy people that would rather start off my day sweating my way up and over the mountain with my bike, and then end it off in the…


moment to moment

she drew in life through breath stepping back to let him take the lead paused for a moment while he got strong while he chose it was soon that the curtain lifted like a fog like a soft voice inside…
