Monthly Archives

January 2013


breathing life

  I am not the stories I’ve told those are yours I simply breathed life into them for you to share them with the world let them be blown away, gently from the breath of source I am the observer…


Learning to fly

So long as you’re measuring your progress by what you’ve achieved instead of how you feel, you’re setting up yourself for a never ending battle.  What you accomplish lies outside of you whereas how you feel is  not only immediately…

just a girl

icy mornings and summer walks

still wrapped in the early morning’s deep slumber she walked into the somber space, the scent of fresh coffee circulating around her the familiar exchange of smiles against the peaceful early morning ambiance that comforting sense of his arm around…


The race to finish vs progress

In the almost two years it took me to write The Joy of Cancer I was excited for the high I would get when I was finally finished.  The closer I got to the finish line, the more eager I…
