He left her
In Purple wonder
In cowardice
The last man she would think
Incapable of love
Basic human love
But then again
Integrity was not his finest quality
He’d kept secrets
Living in fear
And she lived in fear of his insecurities
Taming her wild light
To make space for his heart
Within hers
Allowing herself to be molded
But he isn’t a molder
She whispered under her breath
Of our lives
He isn’t a leader
He left her
Without words
Without gesture
Only question marks
And a new void to be filled by the story she chooses to tell
Tainting him in whatever color she chooses
For he did not paint himself anything but black
The color of darkness
Of disappointment
Of lack
Of coward
For the color of a man is his integrity
How he chooses for the best of all concerned
Letting the color of basic love paint his actions
Wherever he seeks his freedom
Leaving her open
To be filled by another man
But leaving her
With the color of love