Lying here
As the chilly fall air seeps in through the walls
Complete ease moves like wave between us
And passion rolls along the edges of the waves
Keeping us warm and alive
Sleeping peacefully
I can feel the depth of my breath rise and fall against your chest
All the hurts justified
All the wrongs made right
We know we are home
And it is ours
To build and keep
Well equipped and willing
The journey opens to us here and now
Moment to moment
And moves us forward with gentle,
yet, persistent momentum
All priorness justified
All wrongs right
My prowess
My character flows easily
And grows along yours
And your certain direction
I am free to move
To, open, to close
To wander inquisitively
With you and with out you
But I am always yours
I have chosen you
And you have claimed my heart as yours
Knowing every nook and cranny as if it were your own
My heart opens to the wisdom of your lead
This knowledge is yours, mine, ours
My openness is as resilient as is your loving command and purpose
Filled by your unbreakable integrity, your deep love
Always feeling the depth of my breath against the nook of your chest
The place where the suns rises and sets
You tell me
Your gaze meets me there
When I open and close my eyes, purring
No unequivocal place
Or man
Or knowing
here, with you, home