she stepped in his home
sitting at the angle of the table so she could be near him
what’s his name? he asked
sitting on a park bench
the sound of her tears muffled by the rustling autumn leaves
there is someone else
he heard her whisper
he wants what I want
you will always be special to me
hush, he responds
I will always be there to take you back
she sat in his arms and cried not wanting to let him go
but he knew it was best for her
and in the darkest hour of the night
he did, open his door to her
when she returned
only saying I hate seeing you like this
but I’m proud of you
you’re beautiful he sais
your soul grows more and more beautiful each time
time and time again
they found each other
amidst the highs and lows of life
despite the years
their resolve got stronger
he’s one of those
she whispers
one of those who just knows things
my favourite kind